Our routes for 2021 are available below and don’t forget when we are out collecting you can follow us on our Santa Tracker (link posted on our Facebook page at 6pm each evening)
Its going to continue to be a little different this year, but we’re pleased to say that Santa will be making his way around N21 & surrounding areas in the lead up to Christmas.
Santa & his magical sleigh will be coming to a street near you over the next two weeks, so look out for us & give us a wave from your doorstep.
Whilst we cannot collect door-to-door this year, we would ask you to make your donation either online or by text message.
Every pound raised will go to support children & young people locally with this years donations being split between Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice & 10th Enfield Boys’ Brigade & Girls Association.
In the meantime you can show your support by donating online at www.easydonate.org/BBSANTA