We recognise that this will be a difficult period of time for children and young people, with them being restricted in their activities, not attending school or having opportunities to take part in other clubs and after school activities.
#BBatHOME will provide children and young people of all ages a fun and exciting programme of activities which they can take part in their home, supported by their parent/carers.
We will be providing a weekly activity pack including 6 activities for each of our 3 age groups, each week during the period that the outbreak means that BB groups cannot meet face-to-face.
We will also be launching a number of competitions and other opportunities through the #BBatHOME programme over the coming weeks.
Sign up to get the Activities
Complete the form below to signup to receive our weekly activity pack.
By signing up, you consent to The Boys’ Brigade sending you email updates on a weekly basis about the #BBatHOME programme. You may opt out of receiving emails at any time.